6 years on: digital nomad life, growth and living authentically

6 years ago, Johnny & I made a decision that completely changed our lives.

6 years on, this is no longer just our “digital nomad anniversary.” It’s much more and every year, I like to take this opportunity to reflect and be grateful to my 28-year-old self for being brave enough to take such a huge leap.

What started out as an itch to travel, has become a lifestyle choice and in many ways, the guiding star of our lives.

We quit our comfort zone, our familiar way of life, the pre-defined rules for how you’re apparently supposed to your life and took a leap of faith.

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And oh yeah, we also quit our jobs.

Since then, we have travelled extensively, had lots of up and downs, started a few different businesses but most importantly, we have grown SO MUCH, as individuals and as a couple.

    Bali, 2016

This growth has made us better people, better partners to each other and opened up our minds to the world and its people more than I ever thought possible.

I spent a large part of my early life doing only what I was supposed to do and never questioning anything I was supposed to do. So boring.

Now, I question everything. You’ll no longer see me doing something only because you’re supposed to or because that’s the way it’s always been. If there’s no good, logical reason to do it, you can forget it.

Question the status quo, my friends. It’s allowed.

I’ve spoken a lot about contentment here over the last few years. For me, personally, it’s a very important measure of how I’m living my life. Happiness is fleeting as are material aspirations so I don’t judge the quality of my life based on things any more.

I am very ambitious but I also always have one foot firmly planted in contentment.

It took me a long time to learn this lesson but you can 100% be content and be ambitious at the same time.

Rio de Janeiro, BrazilRio de Janeiro, 2014

Contrary to popular belief, life as it stands for us today, 6 years later, isn’t just about travel. Of course, we love to travel but, in truth, what defines every major decision we make is freedom and growth.

If it’s going to affect our freedom (of time and of location), it’s a no-go.

If it’s not an opportunity for growth, it’s a no-go.

Simple as that.

It’s been a long time since I’ve written something so personal. I’ve been reading a lot about vulnerability and putting yourself out there, without the fear of judgement (hello, Brene Brown!) I have also been thinking about authenticity and living a life that is true to yourself and your values (hello also, Buddhist teachings.)

Writing this is an attempt to put both of the above into action.

I have no interest in living a sub-par life. You shouldn’t either.

And the life you live is the sum of what you do (or don’t do) every day so I want to ask you – are you living a life that is true to you? You may not have the same ambitions as us but, you must have some version of an “ideal life” in your head?

Are you currently living it? Are you at least working on it?

If not, why not?

These are the questions I ask myself. All. The. Time.

New Zealand, 2018

I want to remind you – life isn’t just about ticking off checkboxes on a pre-made list. A list that someone else made.

Let the judgemental arseholes spend their times judging while you actually do something more fun and inspiring like I don’t know… living your life to the absolute fullest?

Here’s what you should know – you don’t have to become a digital nomad or want to travel, and you don’t have to want to change the world for it to be a “full life”. A full life is simply one that is true to what you want from it.

Whether it’s spending more time with your kids, picking up a hobby you used to have, volunteering for a cause or even pursuing a dream you’ve always put off for “some day…” – whatever it is – spend your days doing the things you actually want to, and enjoy and not chasing some life goals the world set for you.

People who go out and actually do things and make changes to their lives, are the people I admire the most and am most inspired by. It doesn’t matter if you fail – at least you’re trying. The ones who just sit around and judge or make fun of those who try, just get more miserable with themselves, instead.

I know you’ve probably heard this a million times before so it’s a cliche but I’ll say it anyway – stop caring so much about what other people think. You’re not living their life.

I’m saying this to myself as much as I’m saying it to you, by the way.  It’s a work in progress. 😉

Comfort zones are over-rated. Let’s be brave with our lives. Life’s too short to be anything else.

And on that note, I’ll end here and leave you with a quote from Brene Brown, one of my favourite authors in the world #inspo

“I want to be in the arena. I want to be brave with my life. And when we make the choice to dare greatly, we sign up to get our asses kicked. We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we can’t have both. Not at the same time.”


Written by

Radhika B.

After turning her back on office life in Australia, Radhika set out to create a life lived on her own terms (a constant work in progress). As co-founder of Fulltime Nomad, she is super passionate about helping others live life with more freedom and flexibility, and a bit of travel thrown in for good measure.




  1. Aritra

    Beautiful Radhika. Makes total sense to me..

    • Radhika

      Thank you Aritra. 💛

  2. Madhura

    This resonated so deeply on so many levels. Very well articulated too and I agree with everything you said. I think I first heard about Brene Brown in one of your posts and now I’m a huge fan as well. Keep living your best lives and keep inspiring!

    • Radhika

      Thank you Madhura! I’m glad it resonated with you but more importantly, I’m glad you’re now a Brene Brown fangirl too. 🙌

  3. Dane

    “Question the status quo, my friends. It’s allowed.” Amen to that 🙏 ! And congrats on building such a great brand and living such an intentional life.

    • Radhika

      Thank you Dane!